RV Inspector Pro performs a wide variety of inspection services and photographic services. These services include:
The most common inspections are the Pre-Purchase/Pre-Sale inspections. (Yes. You should have have your RV inspected before you put it up for sale, so you will know what the buyer’s inspector is going to find and resolve any issues you choose, ahead of time.) For pre-purchase/pre-sale inspections, we provide a single fluid test (generally motor oil). Fluid tests for other fluids may be added on to the inspection, as an additional service. Each type of inspection includes a detailed PDF (printable) report, emailed to your inbox, including photos of issues or points of interest discussed in the report.
Please note that an RV inspection is not a guarantee of any kind. It is an observation of the current state of the RV or parts of the RV that we were able to access, at the time of inspection. We use tools such as a thermal camera, two types of moisture meters, a volt-ohm meter (VOM), a clamp-on amp meter, a manometer, small and large inspection mirrors, and a bore-scope inspection camera, to determine as much as possible about the RV, without disassembling anything.
It’s important to note that inspecting motorhomes is a special case that requires special knowledge and tools, beyond what is required for the inspection of a towable RV. Follow this link to learn more about our motorhome specific inspections.
So while no guarantee is made that we will find every problem, a professional RV inspection will provide you with a higher level of comfort concerning the actual condition of the RV in question, than you might otherwise achieve. Also note that, under the NRVIA “Code of Ethics” and “Standards of Practice“, we are not able to make a purchase recommendation, based on our inspection. We report in significant detail, what we find, including many descriptive photos. But we are not allowed to form an opinion of the coach in question.
RV Inspector Pro also provides Specialized Inspections for Lending Institutions, Insurance Companies, and Third-Party Warranty Companies. These inspections serve to inform the company that the RV in question, exists and is in a condition that would justify their risk. Such inspections may be tailored to the needs of the company.
The best way to know what’s going on inside an engine or transmission, short of disassembling it, is to run a Fluids Analysis on each of the fluids that circulate throughout the mechanism. These tests require that about three ounces of the relevant fluid(s) be drawn and sent to a laboratory that specializes in such analysis. The lab will analyze the chemical composition of the fluid and issue a detailed report on the fluid composition, along with a plain English explanation of what each finding represents. There are up to five fluids that may be analyzed in motorized RVs. RV Inspector Pro provides one fluid analysis with each inspection. But we do offer a full spectrum of fluid analysis, as an add-on to your RV inspection.
We can also provide navigable 360 Degree interior still photos of the RV in question or a navigable 360 Degree video walk-thru of the interior of the RV. The 360 photos/videos can be posted and viewed on Facebook, YouTube, and other sites that support 360 Degree Viewing. These 360 Degree images are a great tool for those who are selling a motorhome. But they’re also a great way to show friends and family, who are far away, how your RV looks, as though they were there. As a side note, these 360 Degree photos and videos can also be viewed, using Virtual Reality goggles, such as Google Cardboard. If you have not seen a 360 Degree image, the click here, to see what it is. You will be amazed.
Call RV Inspector Pro now, at 713-819-6000 or contact us by email, for more details on our services.
We accept all major credit cards, as well as contactless payment from wireless devices.