RV Inspection Deal‑Breakers (The Book)

What to do before you hire a professional RV inspector.

RV Inspection Deal-Breakers cover

You’ve found the perfect RV for your family. You know that the results of a professional RV inspection can most often give you bargaining power, with the seller. So you’re about to hire an NRVIA Certified RV Inspector…


Don’t get me wrong. I want your business.

But the last thing I want is to tell you (or any client) that the coach you are considering has one or more potential deal-breaker issues that you could have easily identified, before spending money on my services. That’s not good for either of us.

A professional RV inspection is supposed to save you money on a coach that you actually buy, not cost you money on a coach that you walk away from.

Before you commit to a professional RV inspection, there is a 30-minute process you should perform, to check for easily identified deal-breaker issues, in order to determine if the RV is even worth inspecting.

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One of the perks of being a professional RV inspector is the feeling that you get, when you deliver a report that you know will give your client the bargaining power to save money on his purchase. In such cases, the client ends up with a coach that is in better condition than before the inspection and the client saves money. It’s a win for everyone.

That’s how RV inspections are supposed to work.

On the other hand, it’s a real buzz-killer for any RV inspector to have to deliver a report that he knows will likely lead to a “No Sale”. The reason is that it means that our client spent money inspecting a coach he will never get to enjoy.

That is not how RV inspections are supposed to work.

But what’s worse, is that in all but a few cases, whenever I’ve identified deal-breaker issues, the issues were things that the buyer could have identified him or herself, with no tools and in just a few minutes. So this means that, in such cases, our client spent money on an inspection that he could have avoided, on a coach he will never get to enjoy.

Fortunately, such deal-breaker inspections are not all that common. But at the same time, they are not exactly uncommon, either.

Over time, we have become more and more concerned, whenever we’ve had to tell a client about a deal-breaker issue that he could have easily found, without the help of any RV inspector. So, I finally, RV inspector, John Gaver (now retired), decided that he had to do “something more”, to help save not just his clients, but all RV purchasers, from potentially paying for inspections on RVs that had easily identifiable deal-breaker issues.

That “something more” is the book, “RV Inspection Deal-Breakers”.

In this book, John lays out a process that you can perform in less than 30 minutes, using no tools (other than the refrigerator thermometer from your home refrigerator), to help you identify several of the most common and/or most expensive deal-breaker issues, with RVs. He not only tells you what to look for, but why each item is important.

This is not to suggest that you can identify every deal-breaker issue. You can’t. This book is about identifying only the most common and expensive deal-breaker issues that anyone should be able to find, with no tools.

When I arrive at an RV inspection, I bring thousands of dollars in tools (thermal camera, moisture meters, voltmeter, OBD reader, and lot’s more). Those tools, along with specialized training, let me see things not visible to the naked eye. So, with all that, it’s still possible that I might find a deal-breaker that you can’t find. But if you take just 30 minutes to follow the procedure outlined in this book, the chances are dramatically reduced that I or any other professional RV inspector will find a deal-breaker issue.

I personally know many other professional RV inspectors and I think it’s safe to say that none of them enjoy delivering a deal-breaker report.

It all comes down to the fact that professional RV inspectors want to save you money on a coach that you actually buy, not cost you money inspecting a coach that you will never get to enjoy. Remember that, if we RV inspectors don’t save most of our clients money, we can’t stay in business.

I want your business. But I don’t want to take your money, just to see you have to walk away from the coach, due to issues you could have discovered without my help.

Help your professional RV inspector help you. Download “RV Inspection Deal‑Breakers” now and follow the simple procedures outlined in the book, before you hire me or any RV inspector. Click any of the buttons below, to order it from Amazon (for Kindle), Barnes and Noble (for Nook) or Apple Books (for Mac and iOS devices).

Order "RV Inspection Deal‑Breakers" for Kindle at Amazon, now    Order "RV Inspection Deal‑Breakers" for Nook at Barnes and Noble, now.
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